Stag stared at the owner's bedroom window before methodically beheading the tall garden phlox. The yearlings sampled the wavy jade and cream leaves from the expensive hostas, skipping the leaves with sun damage painted in brown around their edges.

'Possum told Armadillo, Cat and the Chipmunks an exaggerated version of his escape from the Armadillo trap. The 'Munks watched Cat—the tip of his tail quivered like a graphite fishing pole in a thunderstorm. Cat watched the youngest daughter creep to the garage to get the bottle hidden in the old cooler. He remained silent about her and his embarrassing night in the trap; unsure why the owners used cat food to bait Armadillo.
Raccoon invented an amusing game. The animals took turns poking paws and hooves in the trap when they weren't plundering the garden and consuming cat food, which everyone but Armadillo had acquired a taste for.  

Jules Jacob

Jules Jacob PoetJules Jacob is the author of Kingdom of Glass & Seed (forthcoming Lily Poetry Review Books, October 8, 2023), The Glass Sponge, a semi-finalist in The New Women's Voices Series (Finishing Line Press), and co-author with Sonja Johanson of Rappaccini's Garden (White Stag Press, forthcoming December 2023). Her poems are featured in Lily Poetry Review, Plume Poetry, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, Rust + Moth, and elsewhere. Jules is the recipient of a fellowship from the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts at Le Moulin à Nef, Auvillar, France.

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